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Allah Guarantees Will Not Punish You If You Read This

 Now the deed that will help you in the next life Rasool Allah ( S.A.W) said whoever reads surah Mulk every night hopefully Allah will protect him from the punishment of the grave. now, who can't read sura you know 29th just the first surah it's four sides long four sides how long will it take you to memorize four sides. you know even the guy that's got no brain he'll memorize it why? Allah made the Quran easy and he's made it so that it can be memorized. 

This is why kids at the age of five, seven, eight, nine can't even speak their mother tongues but they have the entire Quran inside their hearts. top end my young friends,  mashallah, you Londoners you guys have got degrees, alhamdulillah, bachelor's and masters and Ph.D.'s you are educated people.

 So Allah has blessed you how long will it take you to memorize four sides? two weeks,   okay let's say you're learning a line a day, yeah and it takes you a month everyone can do it and you know what if it's going to help you so much that whatever I mentioned. Today is going to protect you from that, come on guys don't you think you've got a deal and a half? indeed, in one hadith ibn abbas Tirmidhi, a companion of Rasulullah he set up a tent he set up and he didn't know it was the grave.

 Now all of a sudden, whilst he's inside the tent, he can actually hear somebody inside the grave and he's reading surah al-Mulk. So he was shocked and he related this to our beloved prophet Muhammad ( S.A.W )" ya Rasulullah I set up my tent, didn't know it was a grave I sat on my tent on a grave all of a sudden I could hear somebody reading surah al-Mulk". So nabi Kareem (S.A.W) confirmed him, indeed: "that surah is the protector and it will protect him from the punishment of the grave".

 In a hadith which ibn Asakir has related a weak hadith on the authority of Anas, a man died and the only thing that he knew was Surah al - Mulk. So you know the reason I'm relating this you know, people that, there are many guys that don't know how to read the Quran yeah this guy only knew surah al - Mulk, only surah al - Mulk now he's died he's inside his grave and Allah sent the angels to punish him, the angel of punishment comes inside his grave. The angel of punishment comes, Surah al-Mulk is also there and he is standing between him and the punishment. So the angel says" move out the way, you're from the book of Allah and I don't want to harm you but I haven't got a choice, Allah has told me to punish him".

 If you want to intercede and protect him then go ask the lord of the Arsh and Kursi. The surah will go to the almighty Allah and say: "o Allah you know this servant of yours out of your entire book, he would intend for me and he would come and recite me o Allah". Are you going to punish him today with the fire whilst I'm inside his heart? and if you're going to do this then I want you to remove me from your book. Allah is the Arhamur Rahimin, The Akramul Akramin, The Ajwadul Ajwadin, he needs excuses my young friends, to give you paradise, will you give him that excuse? you know every time you do a deed, let this thought cross your mind, you know what?  maybe this is the one, and I swear by Allah you will do many good deeds, and every time you sin, let this thought cross your mind, you know what? maybe this is the one as a result of which Allah will send me to Jahannam. 

 You know what? you won't commit any sin when you do good let the thought cross your mind, maybe this is the one that will Allah like and he will give me paradise, and when you're wrong, let this thought cross your mind, maybe this is the that you will hold me to account for and you will never sin. So the surah will say "Allah take me out from your book". Allah will say "it seems that you've become angry" the surah will say" o Allah, don't have the right to become angry? he would recite me and you're punishing him, Allah will say your intercession has been accepted", you do with him as you please, this very surah four sides you're learning a line a day, my young friend top end it will take a month or two top-end comes to his rescue, saves him from the punishment of the grave, will come to place his mouth on his mouth and say: that what to say of this mouth that would recite me? what to say of this heart that would, that had memorized me? and what to say of these feet that would stand with me and prayer and recite me inside prayer?

 Thereafter the surah will stay with him inside his grave so that he doesn't become afraid. You are going to get your money's worth guys, this is something that every one of us can do, there are other deeds also but we've got no choice in this matter. let's say for example dying on jummah I haven't got a choice in this matter, and no one has you got to choice in this, you know if you're one of those that are lucky, then alhamdulillah because Rasulullah(SAW) said: whoever dies on jummah, Allah will save him from the punishment of the grave". whoever dies know protecting the boundaries of Islam not only will he be saved from the punishment of the grave he will receive the good news that he would perform and he will also be saved from the terror when Israfeel blows inside the horn.

 Now the easiest of these deeds is to read Surah al-Mulk and I assure you once you've memorized it no literally it will take you not more than three minutes. You know by the time you leave the masjid and sit in your car or get to your house you'll have read it and when the sahabah, the hadith of Anas, which I related, Rasulullah mentioned it to the sahaba every young, old, freeman and slave, memorize and learn this surah, Surah Al-Mulk. I conclude with the way I began my friends what I've said today you've heard before, you've heard today and you will hear again tomorrow it's meaningless if it comes from one ear and it leaves the other, then it's meaningless this is why I relate this hadith as I began. The clever man is he who controlled his nufs, who suppressed it the nafs is whispering let's go out and chill let's wine and dine, this girl looks beautiful, let's spend some time there take a tablet or two, sell a few tablets here, make a quick few pounds. 

No, he suppresses it, why, no because Allah and his Rasul prohibited this, and he's suppressing it on one side and he's pleasing Allah and his Rasool on the other side by working for the real-life what did he say become? become the sons of the Akhirah, do not become the sons of the Dunya it's so foolish don't you think guys how long will we live for 100 years not every guy makes a century it doesn't know not every guy makes a century you saw what happened to England today yeah and even if you made a century what's that century in comparison to the akhirah you live for 100 years how long do you think accountability is the day of judgment is 50 000 years longer 50 000 years long.

You live for a hundred and you're paying the price fifty thousand that's not just on the day judgment how foolish that would be that we live for a hundred and we pay the price for fifty thousand that's just on the day of judgment after that my young friends is eternity it doesn't come to an end so isn't it wiser isn't it wise for this you know 50 years that Allah gives us in this Dunya 60 years we obey him and you know what I swear by Allah. Allah will give you paradise in the Dunya you know.

 If you obey him you know this heart of yours will always be up there will be in seventh heaven you will feel good you will be stressed out your you know you know you will have a million and then commit suicide at the same time it just won't happen this is how good you will feel within and then you know them 50 years that you spend like this what do you receive in return you're receiving eternity you're receiving zillions and zillions and zillions and zillions of years of maze of bliss of pleasure you know at the end of the day like I said it's all about understanding Allah give me the tawfiq to understand Allah give me the tawfiq to act upon the message that I convey to others.

Click Here for this Book 

The Grave: Its Torment And Its Pleasure

How to Memorize Quran

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