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15 ways to avoid Zina (adultery)

Undoubtedly, Zina is one of the most horrible sins in the world. For this, just as there is severe punishment in this world under Islamic criminal law, so there is a terrible punishment in the Hereafter.

Therefore, it is the duty of every believing young man and woman to make every effort to avoid such a major sin.

Here are some tips to help you avoid Zina:

1) No work can be done that can lead to Zina.

E.g. After all, meeting a woman in private, talking to her unnecessarily by phone, writing or video chatting, standing around her unnecessarily, looking at pictures, touching, laughing, joking, etc.

Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

ÙˆَÙ„َا تَÙ‚ْرَبُوا الزِّÙ†َÙ‰ٰ

"And don't even go to Zina." (Surah Isra: 32)

2) When the lust rises in the mind, immediately recite ‘Auzubillahi Minash Shaitanir Razim’ “I seek refuge in Allah from the expelled Satan” and refrain from that evil thought.

3) Marrying and spending time with his wife. But if it is not possible to get married for any reason or if he is not with his wife after marriage, he should observe regular naafil fasts to suppress his biological needs.

4) Regular reading of Qur'an and Hadith with translation and explanation, listening to the recitation of the Qur'an and listening to the speeches of wise scholars.

5) Engaging in good and useful deeds, benefiting people, and giving time for remembrance and memorizing the Qur'an.

6) Not to wander outside the house unnecessarily and not to spend time alone in a secluded room as much as possible while staying at home. Instead, spend time with your parents and siblings. If married, stay with wife and family.

6) To remember the terrible consequences of Zina, such as the punishment of this world, humiliation, and the severe torment of the Hereafter.

7) Fear Allah Almighty and remember that even if no one in the world sees me, it is not so hidden from the eyes of Allah Almighty.

9) Not to see bad, pornographic pictures, videos and magazines, stay away from places where there is the presence of young girls without a screen. If you suddenly look at a naked woman, lower your gaze.

10) Not listening to music and not taking part in concerts and dances. Music acts like alcohol in the human mind, awakens thoughts in the mind, and ignites the fire of desire.

11) Stay away from alcohol and drugs. Through these, lust rises in the heart and even the ignorant people do not hesitate to commit heinous acts like the rape of women and children.

12. To establish a friendship with honest, virtuous, pious, and devout friends by taking alcohol and intoxicants, engaging in various sins, not praying, and wasting time in bad deeds.

13) Utilizing time by practicing religion, acquiring knowledge, and participating in social development activities with religious friends.

14) Avoid sexually arousing foods as much as possible.

15) Uploads bad chats, love, crush, girl's pictures and videos on Facebook and wastes time on nonsense to get out of such groups or pages. Instead, follow the good Islamic posts on pages and groups based on the Qur'an-Hadith and pure beliefs, and subscribe to YouTube channels that benefit from good scholars' Q&A or various writings and upload good quality useful videos.

May Allah grant us Tawfiq and protect us from all kinds of disobedience to Allah. Amen.

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