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Impact of social media on women's religious and mental health

3 billion people log in to social media daily. Yes, that's right, 3 billion people! Judging from this, 40% of the world's population, that is, about half of the world's population, is circulating in these media daily.

Recent research shows that women are at the forefront of using social media, especially Snapchat, Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook.

So as women, all sorts of content are constantly rushing towards us and we don't know exactly how our brain is receiving this information.

Only by adding ‘influencers’ to this culture will the process of catastrophe be complete.

"You see, I think, where did they go on holiday?" Did the girl's husband bring her a trendy bag? Wow, his house is beautiful, my living room needs to be decorated anew! God. I'm fat, look how beautiful he looks! ”

Some of these thoughts may come to your mind when you simply scroll through the newsfeed.

For the most part, we blindly follow the influences of social media. But are we aware of how much these influential events are affecting our religious and mental health?

If you want, you can protest by saying, “I know that these are not true but all selected facts. How can such innocent news affect me? ”

Understood, but the scientific evidence speaks otherwise. Studies have shown that young women have adverse reactions to social media. Not only that, older women feel a sense of deprivation when they compare themselves to the splendor and progress of the rest of their lives.

To solve these problems, psychologists will forbid you to follow anything that makes you feel bad.

But is that the solution?

Remember, in Snapchat, we only share our happy moments with people. But all the incidents related to our problems remain behind the scenes.

On social media, some couples present themselves as if they are having a very happy day, but in reality, their lives are ruined.

The issue of comparing oneself with others has been mentioned many times in the Qur'an and Hadith.

And do not covet that by which Allah has made one of you superior to the other. [Surah An-Nisa: 32]

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:

It is lawful to be jealous of only two things. One is the one to whom Allah has given wealth, then He has given him the power to spend in a lawful way. And two - on the person to whom Allah Ta'ala has given wisdom, then he judges through him and teaches it to others.

Now let's think about our newsfeed.

Is there really a need to look at the whole Panchashek house renovation account? Is the advertisement for a bunch of warm clothes really benefiting us? Is it important for you to know what a home, husband, or child looks like to a person you don't know in real life?

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said,

Part of the perfection of Islam is not to worry about things that you don't know.

The most frightening aspect of social media is that it keeps our hearts connected to worldly content. Looking at the FOMO's uncontrollable and everyday external events, I keep thinking, if I hadn't been associated with them, I wouldn't have known so much! In this regard, Allah says:

Rather, you are giving priority to the life of this world. But the Hereafter is better and more lasting. [Surah Al-A'la: (17-18)]

So before you become friends or follow someone on social media, ask yourself, “How will this person make me think of myself? And will this man be of any use to me in my religion? ” It is better to regret it later, as stated in the Qur'an:

Alas, if I had not accepted such and such a friend! [Surah Al-Furqan: 28]

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said,

People follow the religion of his friend. That is why you should be careful in choosing friends.

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